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Students at the annual University robot competition.

This year’s annual Inclusion Conference is focused on Cultural Intelligence (CQ). We will explore how we use cultural intelligence to cross boundaries and engage with communities. We will discover how cultural intelligence enables us to interact in unfamiliar settings with confidence and assurance, recognising cultural differences and adapting. 

A woman operating an ultrasound machine to examine a patient

Due to the demand for sonographers to train in DVTs and carotids regionally, we would like to encourage sonographers to take an interest in this study day. The event will consist of introductory lectures followed by two demonstration sessions featuring live scanning of volunteers.

A group of students sitting together around a table talking about some graphs/papers they have on the table.

This face-to-face session will introduce non-traditional data collection methods including photovoice/elicitation and media resources including YouTube videos, newspapers and television shows.

A person leading a workshop, talking to a small group of participants.

This interactive, face-to-face, workshop is ideal for students, and academics across all levels. Participants will be introduced to the epistemology that underpins IPA, discuss research questions and IPA interview/focus group schedule design, review the stages involved in analysis, and have time to work through a given data set at a level ‘beyond description’. 

A group of people sat/stood around a laptop on a desk looking engaged and enthusiastic

Learners will be introduced to scale development approaches and processes including item generation and review. Learners will then cover the purpose and methods of factor analysis. Finally, methods of validity and reliability checking will be reviewed.

A woman stands at a table engaged in a professional discussion with others who are seated.

Thematic analysis is a qualitative research method that is used to identify patterns within data. It can be used in a variety of ways to both describe and interpret findings.

A woman assisting two students gathered around a laptop in a library

Participants will be introduced to the key stages of systematic reviews, and how to develop a review protocol and a search strategy. The session will also introduce how to conduct data extraction, risk of bias assessment and effect sizes in systematic reviews.

A woman operating an ultrasound machine to examine a patient

Communication and breaking bad news are some of the most difficult things to learn in Obstetrics. This study day features several presentations from professionals involved with different stages of the pregnancy journey (including CMW, EPA nurse, fetal medicine consultant and the bereavement midwife).

Happy people at a University of Derby event

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